How Many British Families Live in Pakistan 1964

One-time British Colonies

The modern-day Canadian province of Newfoundland was once a British colony.
  • The British Empire was the largest of its kind in history, and in one case covered virtually one quarter of all the state on Earth.
  • Ane of the last major colonies to be given up past Britain was Hong Kong which was given back to Cathay on July 1st 1997.
  • United kingdom began colonizing the earth back in the 16th century and spread its power through a potent army and by partnering with local authorities to bear business.

The British Empire is famous for spreading itself to almost every corner of the world. An empire is a group of colonies that are ruled by a single power, and while Britain itself has e'er been quite small in land mass and located far away from many of the places information technology has governed, information technology somehow succeeded in growing the largest empire in history. Historians fence exactly how this happened. Many say the British Empire was fabricated possible by conquering the world past body of water, investing in a formidable army, and partnering with local people to further its spread.

At its superlative in 1921, this empire had get a refined worldwide network, ruling approximately one quarter of all the land on Earth. The nations conquered were linked in trade as well as in politics, and this lasted for quite a while. While various countries gained their independence over time, fifty-fifty by 1952 when Queen Elizabeth took the throne, over seventy colonies withal existed in the empire overseas. Nothing lasts forever, however. The end of an era, which began in the 16th century, finally came effectually in 1997 when Hong Kong, one of the empire's nigh prominent territories, was transferred back to Communist china.

Today, Queen Elizabeth is still officially the head of state for 16 Democracy countries outside the U.k.. These include Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, the Commonwealth of the bahamas, Australia, Belize, Barbados, Canada, Grenada, Jamaica, New Zealand, Papua New Republic of guinea, St Kitts and Nevis, St Lucia, St Vincent and the Grenadines, Solomon Islands and Tuvalu.

Indian troops replacing 10,000 British troops captured by the Turks in Iraq, 1916. Epitome credit: Everett Collection/Shutterstock

Equally far equally current British overseas territories go, these include country in the Antarctic besides every bit Anguilla, Bermuda, British Indian Bounding main territory, the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, the Falkland Islands, Gibraltar, Montserrat, the Pitcairn Islands, St Helena and its Dependencies, Southward Georgia and South Sandwich Islands, the Sovereign Base Areas of Akrotiri and Dhekelia, and the Turks & Caicos Islands.

What happened to the rest? Here is a brief wait at some former British Colonies and how they came to exist.


Bharat was a colony of Great britain from 1858 to 1947. It all began dorsum in the 1600s when Britain kickoff gear up the E India Company in club to bring silk, spices, tea, and salt from India to Europe. The visitor prepare relationships that were mutually benign for both Britain and locals in India and in other countries throughout the Indian Subcontinent. In doing so, this presence grew to be more than than simply an element of commerce. By the 1750s until 1947, Britain ruled the Subcontinent. Following World War II, United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland lost much of its wealth and authority which led to granting Republic of india its independence as dissatisfaction with British rule was growing in the colony. British influence in India has been longlasting, and English language is usually used equally a lingua franca in the country.

Hong Kong

During the Start Opium War between China and Britain in 1839, China temporarily gave Hong Kong Isle over to the British. This was washed with the 1841 Convention of Chuenpi. In 1842, this temporary fix became a permanent bargain with the Treaty of Nanjing. In 1860, Kowloon was won by the British, and 1898, the modernistic dividing line between mainland Cathay and Hong Kong was established.

Britain ruled Hong Kong with an agreement that the empire would give Hong Kong dorsum to Mainland china 99 years after signing the deal, on July 1 1997, which it did. Today, Hong Kong is governed under the "one country, ii systems" human relationship. Correct now, Hong Kong is a special administrative region (SAR) of China, but that will modify in 2047, when China will probable take complete command of the region.

Hong Kong is a Special Administrative Region of People's republic of china, but formerly it was British territory. Epitome credit: ESB Professional/Shutterstock

The British in Africa

The British Empire ruled over many countries in Africa, starting time in 1870. These included what are now Kenya, Sudan, Lesotho, Botswana, Northern Somalia, Egypt, Eastern Ghana, The gambia, Niger, and Republic of benin. These were all places United kingdom wanted to dominate for access to goods such as rubber, table salt, gold, ivory, and other natural products. As in the Indian Subcontinent, the British used local African tribal leaders to work for them from distant. One of the terminal British colonies to gain its independence was Republic of zimbabwe in 1980.

British North America and Colonial America

Both Canada and the United States have areas in them that were one time British colonies. Today, the US is not governed past the UK, and Canada is a sovereign nation but a constitutional monarchy with the Queen of Canada (Queen Elizabeth) as the caput of state.

The British empire ruled over British Northward America in what is now Canada, beginning in about 1860. At this time, these included New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, and "Canada" which was comprised of Upper and Lower Canada, today the provinces of Ontario and Quebec.

Canada's route to independence has been long and winding. The last province to join since the 1867 confederation was Newfoundland and Labrador in 1949 and the concluding territory was Nunavut in 1999.

Currier & Ives lithograph depicting General George Washington accepting the surrender of Full general Charles Cornwallis at the Boxing of Yorktown. Image credit: Everett Collection/Shutterstock

In what is at present the eastern Usa, xiii British colonies were set upwardly during the 17th and 18th centuries. These areas became prosperous economically and many people living in them began to wonder at one indicate why they needed to pay taxes to leaders back in England. This somewhen led to the American War of Independence, likewise known every bit the Revolutionary War, which took identify from 1775 to 1783.

The British Empire was massive and was created with crafty, creative, and domineering ways of thinking. Information technology grew at a unique time in history, and while information technology has shrunk considerably since it began, the effects of the empire are felt globally to this day. It remains to exist seen if any i power will over again dominate over such a large portion of the globe, but history does have a trend to repeat itself. Who will be adjacent?

Old British Colonies

Rank Former British Colonies Year of Independence from Britain
one Aden Protectorate 1967
ii Anglo-Egyptian Sudan 1956
3 Auckland Islands 1931
4 Bahamas 1973
five Bahrain 1971
vi Bangladesh 1971 (From Pakistan)
vii Barbados 1966
viii Basutoland (Lesotho) 1966
nine Bechuanaland (Botswana) 1966
10 Bermuda 1995
eleven British Kalimantan (Negara brunei darussalam) 1984
12 British Cameroon 1961
13 British East Africa (Republic of kenya) 1963
14 British East Africa (Uganda) 1962
15 British Egypt 1922
sixteen British Guiana 1966
17 British Honduras (Belize) 1981
xviii British Bharat 1947
xix British Malaya (Malaysia) 1957
xx British Solomon Islands 1978
21 British Somaliland (Somalia) 1960
22 British Togoland 1957
23 British Western Pacific Territories 1976
24 Burma (Myanmar) 1948
25 Ceylon (Sri Lanka) 1948
26 Colonial Fiji 1970
27 Colonial Nigeria 1960
28 Colony of Newfoundland 1949 (Became a province of Canada)
29 Cyprus 1960
30 Emirate of Transjordan (Jordan) 1946
31 Gambia Colony and Protectorate 1965
32 Gilbert and Ellice Islands (Republic of kiribati and Tuvalu) 1978
33 Gold Declension (Ghana) 1957
34 Helgoland 1890 (Now part of Germany)
35 Hong Kong 1997 (At present a Chinese special administrative region)
36 Ionian Islands 1830
37 Ireland 1921
38 Isle of St. John (Antigua and Barbuda) 1981
39 Jamaica 1962
forty Kingdom of Rarotonga (Cook Islands) 1965 (self governing island state in free association with New Zealand)
41 Kingdom of Sarawak 1963 (at present a state of Malaysia)
42 Leeward Islands 1983
43 Republic of malta 1964
44 Mandatory Iraq 1932
45 Mandatory Palestine (Israel, Jordanian annexation of the West Banking concern, Palestine Protectorate) 1948
46 Menorca (Castilian Isle) 1802 (now part of Spain)
47 Mosquito Coast 1860 (now part of Nicaragua and Honduras)
48 Muscat and Oman 1951
49 Nauru 1968
50 New Hebrides (Vanuatu) 1906
51 New South Wales (state in Australia) 1901
52 Nigeria 1960
53 Niue 1974 (from New Zealand)
54 Northern Rhodesia (Republic of zambia) 1964
55 Nyasaland (Malawi) 1964
56 Oregon State 1846 (became a Us territory, then a state)
57 Pakistan 1947
58 Phoenix Islands 1979 (now part of Kiribati)
59 Province of Due east Florida 1783 (became a Castilian colony, later a The states territory
60 Province of Nova Scotia (one of the founding provinces of Canada) 1867
61 Province of Quebec (1 of the founding provinces of Canada) 1867
62 Province of West Florida 1783 (became a Spanish colony, afterwards a US territory
63 Qatar 1868
64 Queensland (country in Australia) 1901
65 Rupert's State 1869 (became function of the Canadian confederation)
66 Sheikhdom of State of kuwait 1961
67 Sierra Leone Colony and Protectorate 1961
68 Singapore 1963 (became a state of Malaysia, and so separated in 1965)
69 Solomon Islands 1978
70 South Africa 1931
71 South Arabia 1932
72 South Australia (state in Australia) 1901
73 South-West Africa 1931 (Due south Africa territory until 1990)
74 Southern Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) 1980
75 Straits Settlements (Singapore, Malaysia, Borneo) 1946 (Separated and passed to other nations)
76 Sultanate of Zanzibar 1963
77 Swan River Colony (Western Commonwealth of australia, country in Commonwealth of australia) 1901
78 Swaziland 1968
79 Tanganyika Territory (Tanzania) 1961
80 Territory of New Guinea 1975
81 Thirteen Colonies (U.s.) 1776
82 Tokelau 1949 (Became a territory of New Zealand)
83 Tonga 1970
84 Trucial States (Sultanate of oman) 1951
85 Republic of uganda Protectorate 1962
86 Unfederated Malay States 1957
87 Van Diemen's Land 1856
88 Victoria (Land in Australia) 1901
89 Western Samoa 1970
xc Windward Islands 1979


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